Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

Prevention begins at Prévoyance

Looking for peace of mind? Prévoyance offers you confidential, fast and affordable STD screening.

Get Tested


Simple. Quick. Accurate

We offer both virtual and in-person options so you can choose the process that is most convenient for you.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

Option 1

I only want a requisition for STBBI screening.

Confidential virtual consultation.


  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention
  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 1

    Schedule a virtual or

    in-person appointment with one of our professionals to complete a medical assessment.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 2

    Receive your requisition via email.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 3

    You are free to do your screening visit anywhere.

    Your consultation fee will be credited if you do your tests at one of our locations.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

Option 2

I want to get tested for STBBI.


  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention
  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 1

    Schedule an appointment to visit our clinic at your convenience.

    No requisition required.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 2

    Present yourself at one of our clinics for your appointment. One of our professionals will guide you through a medical questionnaire followed by your screening test.

  • Clinique Prevoyance Your Partners in Prevention

    Step 3

    Confidential results will be shared with you in less than 48 hours. Your privacy is our priority.


Test for the following STIs

Prevention is for everyone.

at Prévoyance, we believe in contributing to a healthy and responsible sex life.


Contact Us

For any questions or to speak to one of our experts, fill out the information below.